Thursday, July 14, 2011

UDB Stages 2 and 3

For the rest of this week, till class on Tuesday, we’re going to be expanding your UBD models to include Stages 2 and 3. Stage 2 revolves around developing assessments to make sure your students ‘understand’ the content. Of course, traditional tests / assessments / essays are acceptable evidence as formative assessments, the key will be in designing your performance task. UBD has the GRASPS models to help guide you through that process. Then, after you have your final assessment performance task, you can start to desing the learning experience. Previously we used Gagne’s Events of Instruction, which had rigid steps to the design process, Stage 3 of UBD is a little more flexible and open for the designer (teacher) to create the lesson plan.

To begin, you’ll need to read chapters 7, 8, 9 of the book, which as you know is an easy read and quite informative. There is also the great example in the back of the book. The text will really cover the content and ideas, but you can review the PowerPoint’s for Stages 2 and 3 as an overview.

The key to Stage 2 is a well defined performance task – make sure it’s real world/authentic, students assume a role (or at least identify with a role), etc. This is the final summative assessment where the students put all the knowledge and skills together to demonstrate (in a performance method) their understanding. As they relate to the authentic role / nature of the task, they can identify the critical components within the 6 facets of understanding.

As you develop your performance task, keep that in mind. What authentic experience will the students be able to relate too? Reminder, it doesn't need to be ground breaking, but something that the students will be able to perform and demonstrate your objectives and the 6 facets of understanding. Of course this is your summative assessment. You will also have formative assessment along the way (other evidence in Stage 2). Reminder: if you have an objective you must be assessing that objective in the lesson either with the final performance task or via the other evidence (test, quiz, essay).

Be sure to view Stage 3 Overview as well:

The WHERETO is a very open ended model as you can see. Essentially, you notice that there is none of the Analysis phase from ADDIE. It's really up to you to create the lesson based on your knowledge of the participants, their backgrounds, the environment. Is that good? Is it too open ended? Try it and we can discuss on Tuesday.

Now, putting it all together. You can review Appendix 6, page P329, of a completed design using the food groups and food pyramid. The completed example walks through Stages 2 and 3 with good detail and a great example of a performance task with other evidence as supporting assessment criteria. Interesting to see how they worked in the self – reflection to make sure students can reach all 6 facets including the self-knowledge


You’ll then need to update your templates you finished for today with content for Stages 2 and 3. You do not have to do a fully developed rubric for Tuesday. List all that you want to use a rubric and how it's going to assess your performance task. You do have to list the other evidence of assessment in Stage 2: test on_____, quiz to review ______, or essay on ________. You can be generic but start to think through having some type of assessment (formative or summative) that covers each of your objectives.

The template you have now only has Stage 1. I've added an updated template with the ‘shell’ for Stages 2 and 3 in the resources section. You don't have to use the updated template, you can add those sections on your own. You can copy / paste the template into your paper with Stage 1 if you’d like, then all you need to do is fill out the appropriate sections. This is practice, do the best you can to apply the information / knowledge, to the template. You’ll need to bring your completed UDB lesson to class on Tuesday where we will pull it apart, discuss the sections, and redo in class to make sure you are comfortable with the model. You must have a working draft for Tuesday.



  1. Where exactly can I find the updated template?

  2. I have the same question. Where is the updated template?
