Tuesday, July 12, 2011

UBD Homework: Stage 1

For this assignment, you’ll be applying the knowledge from today’s discussion on Stage 1 of the Understanding by Design model (goals / objectives; knowledge & skills; enduring understandings; essential questions (topical & overarching).

Using your ADDIE Design Document as the basis, re-purpose the goals and objectives into creating Stage 1 of the UBD model. I’ve provided a template in the resources section.

You can copy and post your response to your blog by Thursday at noon. You’ll need to respond to 2 of your colleagues by next Tuesday before class. Follow the PQP format, praise something they’ve done, ask a question about something they wrote / said, then suggest a way they might want to polish up the work.

Thursday I’ll post the information / assignment for Stage 2 of the UBD model.

Let me know if you have any questions.


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