Tuesday, June 21, 2011

VoiceThread Homework

Hope you enjoyed the ADDIE overview and discussing the Analysis phase. The homework assignment is twofold. First, to review ADDIE and the Analysis phase. Second is to practice a new Web 2.0 tool, VoiceThread.

Your homework is to create a 5 slide VoiceThread on your understanding of Instructional Design through a description of the ADDIE model and the details/components of the Analysis phase. Cover the topics so that a non-educator will understand what ADDIE is, why it is used/important, and what the Analysis phase is all about. Adding examples might help. You can create your own media or use images from the web (morgue file or pics4learning).

When finished, embed your VoiceThread in your blog as a blog posting. Your posting needs to be completed by Monday, June 27th, 11:59 PM.

Our next class, Tuesday June 28th will be online. Check back to the class blog for details, directions, and your assignment. Assignments and projects from this online class are due by June 30th.


  1. Mr. Hansen,

    In the last paragraph you stated that "Assignments and projects from this online class are due by June 23rd". Seeing as the online class is June 28th, the date is incorrect. When are the assignments actually due? Thanks

  2. Also the voicethread seems to be down. Is there anything we can do to correct this problem or is it internal?

  3. Good to see you are reading carefully! I've updated the due date to the next class meeting on the 30th.

    About VT, no, you will need to wait till the get it up again. I just tried now..it was working.

  4. Hi,I'm trying to complete the assignment in the school lab, but I'm having trouble with accessing voicethread. Is the site having trouble or could it be something else?
