Thursday, June 30, 2011

ADDIE Design Document and UBD Reading: Due July 12th

We are done reviewing the ADDIE Model. Now, it’s time for your summative assessment activity; to create your own ADDIE Design Document. For the design document, specifics are available in the Resource section on this blog, you’re going to apply the concepts of the Analysis phase and Gagne to create a learning experience.

Since you don’t have a true environment to analyze, you will have to make up your problem statement, gap, and ultimate goal (try something new to you to ‘challenge’ yourself. You can choose the audience to analyze, can be a friend, your family, people at the holiday party you are attending, the last class you taught, or you can create a fictional ‘class’ (let me know you are making it up.) Using that information, you can list all your tasks, develop terminal and enabling objectives, and design a learning experience (Gagne’s events with rubric. You might have multiple lessons to reach your goal, but you only need to do 1 learning experience.

Email me your Design Document when you are done. The document is due by July 11th, prior to our next class.

Understanding by Design Reading
For our next class, we’re going to explore at a new design model, Understanding by Design or UBD. Our text book is available online, directions to access are in the screencast below, you will need to read Chapters 1, 2, and 4 prior to the next class.

Access the Understanding by Design Book Online
The following screencast will walk you through how to access the textbook via the NLU library ebook system.

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required.

Let me know if you have questions / problems.
See you on the 12th!

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